Friday, July 1, 2011

Error message in ESB Console and nothing appears in Tracking tab

Sometimes we face very strange issue in ESB console. Nothing appears in the tracking tab of the ESB Console and the error message comes as:

Unable to build the instance relationship, as the required metadata is not available.

First check the size of the log files. sometimes if the log size is very large then the server doesnt behave as expected.
go to  <oracleHome>/opmn/logs/
type ls -lh to find the size of the log files.
If the size of the log file is very big then we need to empty the file.
first stop the server (go to /opmn/bin/  then type ./opmnctl shutdown)
take the backup of the log file.
cp SOA_GROUP~oc4j_soa~SOA_GROUP~1.log backup_SOA_GROUP~oc4j_soa~SOA_GROUP~1.log
empty the log file.
cp /dev/null SOA_GROUP~oc4j_soa~SOA_GROUP~1.log

Then start the server (go to /opmn/bin/  then type ./opmnctl startall)

This is how my issue got resolved. Not sure if reducing the size realy helped or bouncing the server.
If anyone has a bettor solution then please share.

Configuring Database Adaptor

Configuring Database Adaptor in Application server

Creating Connection Pool

Login to em console ->cluster toplogy->oc4j_soa->Administration->JDBC Resources
connection pools->
create Name - filedbconn
Connection Factory Class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource
URL : jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/xe
Username : system
Password : oracle

Creating Datasource connections

login in to em console ->cluster toplogy->oc4j_soa->Administration->JDBC Resources
Datasources->create ->select Manage Datasource -> continue

Application Name : default
JNDI Location : jdbc/localdbtest
Type : Manage Datasource
Connection Pool : filedbconn(select existing connection pool name)
Transaction Level : Global & Local Transactions
Name : LocalDBDatasource

Configuring Database Adaptor

go to em console ->cluster toplogy->oc4j_soa->Applications->default ->DBAdaptor
Connection Factory Interface - javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory
JNDI Location - eis/apps/LocalDatabase
xADataSourceName - jdbc/localdbtest (is the name of JNDI Location in Datasource)