Monday, October 12, 2015

SOA 12C installation in Ubuntu

In this post we will see step by step installation process on Ubuntu platform. If you want to see if for Windows, refer my other post.

First step: Install Oracle JDK, 
you can use below commands to install JDK7:
Open terminal and run below commands:

1.             sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java 
2.             sudo apt-get update 
3.             sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer

Confirm the Java version:  

Second step: Install Soa Suite 12C
Download the Generic version of installable. From OTN downloads.

go to the downloaded directory, extract the installable and run below command:
java -jar fmw_12.

 Follow below screens to complete installation:

Give appropriate oracle home location:

Once installed it will open Jdeveloper (as we have selected the checkbox to open it :) )

check for updates and install extensions:

Now you are ready to start development.
Follow my other post to create an integrated weblogic domain.
and get started with development with Hello World sample.