Thursday, November 13, 2014

"ora 01882 timezone region not found" in Jdeveloper 12c

While creating Oracle XE 10g Database connection from Jdeveloper in ubuntu(or any other system) sometimes we get below error:

"ora 01882 timezone region not found"

Below are the solution:

1.) Open JEV_HOME/jdevbin/jdev/bin/jdev.conf

add below line anywhere in the file:
AddVMOption -Duser.timezone="+05:30"

(UTC +5:30 is India's timezone, {works for me :)}If this does not work, google your time zone and try adding that)

2.) Right click on the project you have created and go to Project Properties->Run/Debug/Profile > Default (Configuration) > Edit > Launch Settings > Java Options — Set the value here to ” -Duser.timezone=”+05:30″ ” [ Do not use double quotes ]

Please note that sometimes UTC(Coordinated Universal Time) also works fine. i.e. -Duser.timezone=”UTC″