Tuesday, September 22, 2015

AQ and SOA - Part1 - Creation of AQ queue

Oracle AQ is a database queuing system and is implemented in database tables. So the first thing we need is database access.

If you have the database schema/user details in which you are going to create the queue then skip below step, otherwise, 

Create a user:
sqlplus sys@localhost:1521/xe as sysdba
create user AQ_SOA_USER identified by oracle;

Grant priviledge to create tables and queues:
grant create session, resource, AQ_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE,AQ_USER_ROLE to AQ_SOA_USER;
grant execute on DBMS_AQADM to AQ_SOA_USER; -- enque/dequeue priviledge to the user 
grant execute on DBMS_AQ to AQ_SOA_USER;  -- to enable compilation of a PL/SQL procedure 

once we have the user details, login to database using above user(AQ_SOA_USER), you can use SQLDeveloper/Jdeveloper or any other tool available.

Create Object
create or replace type employee_type as object(
employee_id number,
employee_number varchar2(60),
employee_name varchar2(60)

Create a queue table
queue_table => 'AQ_SOA_USER.employee_queue_table',
queue_payload_type => 'AQ_SOA_USER.employee_type');

Create a queue
queue_name =>'AQ_SOA_USER.employee_queue',

SELECT queue_table,type,object_type,recipients FROM USER_QUEUE_TABLES;

Start the queue
exec DBMS_AQADM.START_QUEUE('AQ_SOA_USER.employee_queue');